Room decor

10/14/2015 03:44:00 PM swingender 0 Comments

Hey everyone! I hope everyone is having an awesome week! Personally, my week has been filled with loads of homework and preparation for tests and mid terms. In the midst of the craziness, I found the time to clean up my room a bit. Since I have been working on my room and the decor for a while now, I think it is finally presentable. It is nothing too special but I am super excited to share it with you guys. I have been collecting tons of cacti for a little while now. I have been doing my best to water them and make sure they get tons of sunlight. Honestly, I was almost sure these things were not going to stay alive for longer than a month. Surprisingly, I am happy to say that they are still alive and well (well most of them). All the rest of my plants are fake but hey, they look cute. By the way I picked up all my plants and pots from either zgallerie or ikea! Have a wonderful week!
Love, Wingender Weekly xoxo